Hey there.. Geoff Petrulis Here. I've spent the last several years working with ABC Disney, Cumulus Media and CBS Television and I'm here to give you some important advice.
You would be surprised how often I get this question.
I always thought the answer to this was a given until I started to talk to a lot more of you folks out there. You would be surprised how often I get this. They might think they understand it but they know just enough to be dangerous.
Some are either intimidated by the online world, know less than they think they do or just don't see its value. You think it's all about TikTok and dancing cat videos. I promise you it's not. But who doesn't love a good cat video!
Businesses that are using all media successfully – especially online video – are seeing their reach expanding and their business growing.
So, With our economy getting ready to throw us some challenges – some might say, throw us under the bus - whether you are a radio or television station or a wellness professional, you and your STAFF... ESPECIALLY YOUR STAFF - need to be positioned as well as you can be online.
So here is a basic primmer to motivate you to be ready. Everybody loves primers.
You will need to be as many PLACES online to reach your customers, viewers or whatever you have, when money starts to get tight. And the more you and your staff understand about all things digital, the better you will be.
Let's talk about your digital footprint. You want it to be so big that people think BIGFOOT is online. See what I did there. Web Site, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and the more VIDEO EVERYWHERE the better. Your demographics will determine which area you should lean into first.
Now let's talk about web sites and social media and their differences... The common thinking is that the two –Web Sites and Social Media DO go hand in hand. And if your web site is the way you make your money - whether with advertising, 'pre-roll video on your content' or selling products, a good social strategy can bring you MANY more customers and viewers. If you're trying to get customers to a brick an mortar store or office, then social is especially important... and automatic appointments on YOUR web site or order management can be HUGE.
**But all social media does is make money for the social media company? I can hear you already. Not so fast cranky pants!
While there is truth to that, your job is to take advantage of their audience as best you can without spinning your wheels with content that does nothing to help YOUR business. Time to use the user!
So that's the challenge.
The web site is YOURS and social media is a way for you to get people to YOU and your online presence.
Right now... VIDEO is king when it comes to online content. Both on social media and probably even for your site.
Nobody wants to do homework... for many, reading is homework.
And for the bulks of folks, video is entertainment.
So the key is, how do I make my content interesting enough to engage my customers without being so BORING that they never come back.
If you are trying to sell a service – keep it brief...
If you video IS your product and you want to make money with ad revenue, then something LONGER with more content may be your jam.
As I said, with the economy teetering on what could be a rough ride, you owe it to yourself to make sure you and your staff understand the many ways an online footprint can help.
The trick is, teaching people how they can do that. The bigger your footprint, the better you will be.
Coming soon, I will be organizing an online seminar to talk about how your online footprint on all platforms can be leveraged in a low cost way to keep your customers and viewers coming back in tough times.
Remember tough times never last but tech people do! So do tough people. More soon. Be sure to Like and follow me on all of my social sites for the latest.